Local SNP MSP Rona Mackay has urged people to comply with the new regulations now enforceable to restrict the times of day when fireworks can be set off and when they can be sold to the public. The Fireworks (Scotland) Miscellaneous Amendments Regulations 2021 have put down a legal requirement that fireworks can no longer be set off after 11pm and fireworks cannot be sold after 6pm.
The regulations also restrict the quantity of fireworks that can be supplied to the general public to 5kg.
The MSP is urging the public to prioritise “safety and security” during bonfire season, when fireworks are let off during a prolonged period in November.
The move comes as the Scottish Parliament is set to consider a new Fireworks and Pyrotechnics Bill. The Bill, which follows the report of an independent Fireworks Review Group which recommended tightening legislation to reduce the harm fireworks can cause, has sought consultation from the public over its scope. The SNP MSP said: “It’s abundantly clear from my constituents that they wish to see tighter, more restrictive controls on the general use of fireworks. With these new regulations, anyone caught buying, selling or launching fireworks outwith the times and stipulations permitted will be in breach of the law.
“The dangerous and inappropriate use of fireworks, especially impacting those with disabilities, sensory issues, domestic pets or our older generation, undermines our collective responsibility to community safety.
“Whilst not wanting to spoil the fun, I would hope constituents would attend any organised, controlled fireworks demonstrations in their communities. Correctly, the inordinate use of fireworks for private use has, rightly, come under scrutiny. I would urge everyone throughout Strathkelvin and Bearsden to pay heed to the law and prioritise safety and security.”
Notes to editors: More information regarding the regulations can be viewed here: https://www.gov.scot/publications/the-fireworks-scotland-miscellaneous-amendments-regulations-2021---information-on-the-use-of-fireworks/ The exempted days when the general public can use fireworks out with permitted hours are:
· 5 November, when they can be used from 6pm until midnight
· New Year’s Eve, the night of Chinese New Year and the night of Diwali, when they can be used from 6pm until 1am