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Funding to encourage female sport participation

Rona Mackay MSP welcomes funding to encourage female sport participation

Rona Mackay MSP has welcomed the Scottish Government’s £300,000 fund for projects that help women and girls take part in sport or physical activity.

The Scottish Government and sportscotland are calling for applications led by Scottish Governing Bodies of Sport or Local Authorities, as part of a programme to encourage more women and girls to participate. The launch of the fund comes during the second annual Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week.

Funding awards will range between £10,000 and £30,000. The funding builds on the success of the Sporting Equality Fund launched in 2017, with investment going to projects including wheelchair basketball in Glasgow, netball across Scotland and ‘bike-packing’ adventures in the Highlands.

Commenting on the fund, Rona said:

“This fund is fantastic news, and will aim to increase female participation in sport and physical activity. Whilst the numbers of women and girls in Scotland participating in sports and physical activity has increased significantly in recent years, including traditional sports such as netball, hockey and shinty; the Scottish Government wants to do more to address the barriers that stop women and girls taking part, and this fund helps support that aim.

I would encourage any local organisation, with a pertinent project, to apply to this fund”

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