MSP Rona Mackay is urging constituents to make their views heard on unpaid trial shifts.
A consultation has been launched by SNP colleague Stewart McDonald MP for a Bill to ban the practice.
The Unpaid Trial Work Periods (Prohibition) Bill was introduced on Thursday by the Glasgow South MP.
Now, Ms Mackay is looking for constituents to air their experiences and contribute to the potential legislation.
She said: “I am delighted that my colleague Stewart McDonald MP is working in Westminster to bring about an end to the exploitation of workers, often young, with unpaid trial shifts.
“There might have been a day when this practice was more acceptable, when jobs were more abundant and young people may have had a greater choice on where they might work.
“However, unpaid trial shifts work only to the benefit of the employer, where a citizen has provided their labour for no cost, with no guarantee they will get a job.
“I hope as many constituents as possible can contribute to the consultation which will help inform the legislation, and help all of those working for nothing in unpaid trial shifts.”
Take part in the consultation by MP Stewart McDonald: