MSP Rona Mackay has called on constituents to get behind new measures to save Scotland’s bees and butterflies.
The Strathkelvin and Bearsden MSP has expressed deep concerns at the plummeting pollinator populations in Scotland.
Since 1980, 51 per cent of Scotland’s bee and butterfly population has died out leading to fears of major problems in the environment, agriculture, economy and health and well-being of the public.
The Scottish Government has published the Pollinator Strategy that outlines objectives and outcomes to put in place measures by 2027 to ensure Scotland’s bee population is thriving and supported.
A special helpline with unique access to university and college places and more will be up and running when pupils receive exam results next week.
MSP Rona Mackay has welcomed the move by Skills Development Scotland that will see the annual Exam Results Helpline assist pupils.
A round 139,000 young people in Scotland will receive their National, Higher, Advanced Higher and Scottish Baccalaureate results on Tuesday August 8.
Qualified careers advisers will be on hand to help young people who may not have received the results they were hoping for or who have done better than they expected.
The skilled professionals will have unique access to information on UCAS course vacancies at UK colleges and universities, confirmation and clearing, advice about Modern and Foundation Apprenticeships and employment or volunteering.
Ms Mackay said: “Young people receiving their exam results from school can be both very stressful and very exhilarating. There can be some surprises and shocks, so for those who need guidance, the Exam Results Helpline is there with special access to all sorts of information.
“I urge any pupils and their parents to use this resource if they are worried. It is an excellent resource run by skilled advisers who can offer some very valuable information.”
This is the 25th year of the free Helpline which offers advice, information and support for young people and their parents, who make a third of all calls.
The Helpline will be open from 8am until 8pm on 8 and 9 August and from 9am until 5pm from 10 until 16 August. The number to call is 0808 100 8000.
Post-results information for pupils and parents is also available at There’s also information about Modern Apprenticeships and Foundation Apprenticeships, at Foundation Apprenticeships help young people gain valuable, real-world work experience and access work-based learning while they are still at school.
Students can also access help, advice and support via My World of Work’s Facebook page which has practical help and links to UCAS, SAAS, Young Scot and the SQA.
Pollinator Strategy:
Scottish Government press release:
Scottish Government honey bee laws:
Sources on bee data: