Local MSP Rona Mackay is encouraging all parents of young children living in Milton of Campsie and Torrance to complete the East Dunbartonshire Council online consultation on the 1140 hours roll-out of Early Years provision.
The Scottish Government has pledged to increase the provision of free early learning and childcare provision to 1140 hours per year by 2020, for children who are 3 or 4 years old, as well for 2 year olds whose parents/carers are on qualifying benefits and are eligible for the 600 hours free entitlement.
The Council is currently issuing a consultation for families living in Milton of Campsie and Torrance who can choose between council or private provision.
Ms Mackay said: “I would encourage all parents living in Milton of Campsie and Torrance to fill in the consultation. Your views will help shape local services and allow East Dunbartonshire Council to deliver these services in a way that suits you.
“The consultation is open from 7 January to 17 February 2019 and can be completed online here or you can drop into Torrance or Craighead Primary Schools.”
Stuart McDonald MP added: “The Scottish Government is making another substantial investment in early years education and childcare, which will have a significant impact on families and a lasting legacy for our children. It’s important to make your voice heard, to shape how this national provision will be delivered locally.”