Support Ukraine - last update 11/03/2022
#StandWithUkraine #RefugeesWelcome
Disasters Emergency Committee (15 Member Charities incl. Oxfam, Save the Children etc.) - Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal | Disasters Emergency Committee (dec.org.uk)
World Vision (Facts, FAQs, and How to Help) - Ukraine crisis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help | World Vision
British Red Cross - DEC Ukraine Appeal | British Red Cross
Save the Children - Donate to Ukraine Children Now | Save the Children UK
Action Against Hunger - Ukraine: Emergency Appeal - Donate - Action Against Hunger
Christian Aid - Ukraine Crisis Appeal - Christian Aid
Islamic Relief - DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal | Islamic Relief UK (islamic-relief.org.uk)
Oxfam - Donate to Ukraine | DEC Ukraine Crisis Appeal | Oxfam GB
ActionAid - DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal | ActionAid UK
Age International - Age International Ukraine Appeal
Plan International - Ukraine Appeal | Plan International (plan-international.org)
Tearfund (Why the world must stand together for peace + donation link) - War in Ukraine: why the world must stand together for peace - Tearfund
International Rescue Committee (IRC) - How can I help Ukraine? | International Rescue Committee (IRC) (rescue-uk.org)
Concern Worldwide - Ukraine Crisis Appeal | Concern Worldwide
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development - Catholic international development charity | CAFOD
Care International - Support our Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal (careinternational.org.uk)
Donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee
By donating to the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, you'll help DEC charities provide food, water, shelter and healthcare to refugees and displaced families.
The member charities of the Disasters Emergency Committee are:
Action Against Hunger
British Red Cross
CARE International
Christian Aid
ConcernAge UK
International Rescue Committee
Islamic Relief
Plan UK
Save the Children
World Vision