MSP Rona Mackay is appealing to her constituents to make use of the Council Tax Reduction scheme as bills are set to rise.
Householders in bands E to H will face a higher rate and the basic rate will increase by three per cent in East Dunbartonshire.
The Council Tax Reduction scheme allows for members of the public to apply for a discount should they be facing tough circumstances and struggle to meet the bills.
Ms Mackay said: “After a decade of unchanged council tax bills it is time for a small increase to pay for the upkeep of vital frontline services. From roads, bin collection, parks, schools and much, much more – they all rely on funding from the council tax.
“The council tax freeze has helped so many people across Scotland, keeping bills affordable during very dark economic times, while also ensuring services are funded. It is a record the SNP government can be incredibly proud of.
“The SNP government has ensured no one is thrown into hardship by these increases and created the Council Tax Reduction scheme that any taxpayer can apply for. This was created after the Tory government got rid of a similar scheme that covered the UK – we refused to follow this, however.
“The people of East Dunbartonshire, and indeed the whole of Scotland, get a very good deal – we are still the lowest taxed country in the United Kingdom with the most efficient public services and positives like free education, free prescriptions, free childcare, free care for the elderly, free bus passes, free museum entry and so much more.”
Apply for the CTR:
East Dunbartonshire: