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Rona Mackay: ‘In this era of Tory austerity it is madness to waste billions on WMD’

Rona Mackay MSP

RONA Mackay has spoken out against Trident as MPs prepare to vote for its renewal.

Ms Mackay, MSP for Strathkelvin and Bearsden has condemned the UK Government for its plans to spend billions on nuclear weapons as it cuts vital public services.

Rona Mackay MSP said: “I call on my constituents to speak out against Trident as the vote for its renewal approaches at Westminster.

“In this era of Tory austerity, it is absolute madness to waste billions of pounds on new weapons of mass destruction at the same time as cutting services for our most vulnerable.

“The Scottish Parliament has voted against supporting this renewal by a staggering majority in 2015, showing the clear-cut differences between Scotland and the rest of the UK.

“As the vote is likely to go through in Westminster on Monday, the people of Scotland will yet again have another damaging policy imposed upon them against their will – less than a month after the Brexit vote.”

The vote to renew the UK Government’s nuclear weapons programme goes to the House of Commons on Monday July 18.

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