2 February 2017
Dear Constituents,
I am writing to you about the recently published proposals by the Scottish Government on Scotland’s Place in Europe, with the aim of getting your views and presenting you with the opportunity to express any concerns you may have.
Following the referendum on 23rd June 2016, in which a large majority in Scotland voted to remain in the EU, the Scottish Government made it clear that all options would be explored to protect Scotland’s place in Europe. This was backed by a strong mandate given by the Scottish Parliament on 28th June 2016.
On the 20th December 2016 First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced the publication of a set of proposals designed to mitigate the risks of Scotland being taken out of the EU. The publication, Scotland’s Place in Europe can be accessed at www.gov.scot/scotlandineurope
The Scottish Government believes that the UK as a whole should remain within the European Single Market. However, if the UK Government decides to leave, the publication sets out a different approach which would allow Scotland to retain Single Market membership as part of the UK. In this new constitutional landscape, the powers of the Scottish Parliament should be enhanced to reflect and protect Scotland’s interests and to ensure the proper functioning of the UK on leaving the EU. The proposals are put forward in a spirit of seeking consensus.
In light of the fact that Scotland’s place in the European Single Market affects so many people it is of great importance to me that the views of my constituents are taken on board. The businesses, community councils, trusts, local organisations, clubs, associations, churches, charities, and each household within the constituency are the ones whose livelihoods will be affected by the decisions taken on our place in Europe.
From Lenzie to Lennoxtown, and Bearsden to Twechar, the constituency has a diverse range of needs and unique concerns. It is such needs and concerns that – as your MSP – I would like to hear about.
I would warmly invite you to give me feedback on the proposal, and to share any considerations you feel I should take on board. If you would like to get back to me on this, please do so by Monday 20th February.
You can respond to me by email me at rona.mackay.msp@parliament.scot or by writing to me at 78 Townhead, Kirkintilloch, G66 1NZ.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards,
Rona Mackay MSP
Strathkelvin and Bearsden