SNP MSP Rona Mackay has welcomed an initial £977,000 funding to help the social care sector in East Dunbartonshire deal with the financial implications of coronavirus.
The funding was confirmed by the Scottish Government as part of a £50 million package for the sector across the country, and will help address immediate challenges faced in the social care sector and support ongoing provision of social care.
Health and Social Care Partnerships across Scotland have all put in place mobilisation plans to ensure the health and social care system is as well placed as possible to address the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ms Mackay said,
“The social care sector is at the frontline of the current pandemic and will inevitably face additional costs.
“This funding demonstrates the Scottish Government’s commitment to social care – and will ensure that any increasing need for social care as a result of the pandemic is met.
“I’m sure I speak on behalf of everyone in East Dunbartonshire when I share my gratitude towards those working in social care, and all of our formidable frontline key workers, who are doing vital work in the most difficult of circumstances.”
Notes to Editors:
Further information available at: https://www.gov.scot/news/gbp-50-million-for-social-care/