COMMUNITIES in East Dunbartonshire are set to benefit from extra funding as part one of the Scottish budget was passed.
MSP Rona Mackay welcomed the additional £3.184 million set aside for East Dunbartonshire Council by finance secretary Derek Mackay.
The second phase of the budget comes on Wednesday, February 8 as it gets scrutinised by the Scottish Parliament’s finance committee.
Labour, Tory and Lib Dem MSPs banded together to oppose the SNP government’s proposals to boost funding to local services.
Ms Mackay, the MSP for Strathkelvin and Bearsden, said: “The SNP government is boosting funding to local services, and I am delighted £3.184 million will be given to East Dunbartonshire Council.
“In scenes reminiscent of Better Together in 2014, Labour, Tories and Lib Dem held hands and tried to block this extra funding to local democracy in Scotland.
“Their failed attempt to sabotage the budget was designed to embarrass the SNP – but quite the opposite has happened. We have proven the SNP is a party of consensus that is proud to work with others in the parliament.”